Four Routines On Exercise Bike To Improve Fitness


The indoor cycling modalities are the most popular, because they are easily accessible and offer multiple possibilities for different goals and people. For your practice, it is not necessary to have a classic bicycle and you do not necessarily require an exercise bike for the home. Just sign up for a gym to get access to them.

Currently, almost all gyms offer spinning classes. And if they do not, at least they have the devices with which the user can practice and train at their own pace. Whether you decide to buy the best exercise bike to train at home or prefer to do it from a gym, there are many areas of the body that are activated and strengthened with pedaling.

As an example we have the quadriceps, thighs, calves, buttocks and abdomen, which are some of the muscular areas in which a work of greater intensity is done during the time on an exercise bike.
If you are not a regular at these machines, you should know that there are many advantages that they offer for the body and for health, knowing that with them you can improve performance and physical condition, through regular workouts.

For example, there are those who use these devices only to warm up for a couple of minutes before starting their exercise routine, leaving aside the benefits that, by itself, to an exercise bike can offer.
Benefits of using an exercise bike
Sports trainers often claim that cycling activity serves to improve the cardiovascular system. In turn, this positively affects physical condition, since blood pressure is lowered and heart rate is improved, reducing the risk of suffering from diseases associated with the heart and the circulatory system.

An intense routine, with the appropriate intervals, endurance and rest, can improve physical capacity in an integral way. Through pedaling it is possible to improve breathing and control the body to increase resistance.

That is, through permanent routines the body adapts and is able to better tolerate fatigue. This offers the possibility of improving physical fitness and ability, both to cope with more demanding training routines, with greater resistance and speed, as well as daily activities, such as climbing the stairs without missing air.

For this reason, cardio and bicycle exercises turn out to be an option towards the goals of those who seek to improve their physical condition, reduce their body measurements and weight and increase their muscles.

Therefore, we invite you to execute four bicycle exercise routines that will help you achieve different goals. Each session is designed to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat through calorie burning or increase strength, endurance and aerobic capacity.
1. Emon session with Sprints

This is a simple training routine to practice. Before you start, you should stretch your muscles, joints and warm up. It is also necessary that you adjust the height of the saddle of the bicycle with respect to your height. To do this you must stand on the side of the device and verify that the saddle is in parallel with your waist.

Once this is done, you should get on the bike and start pedaling at a moderate intensity for a period of five minutes. When you feel ready, you should start the Emon sprints (every minute in the minute).

The routine of sprints consists of pedaling at all the speed that the body allows for 20 seconds, while the next 40 seconds a pedaling must be executed at moderate speed, to total those 60 seconds. This session or routine should be repeated for a period of 20 minutes. The intense pedaling modality with recovery is a way to lose weight, increase capacity and improve physical fitness.

2. Routine 20-10

For this training day on a bicycle, it is also necessary to condition the body. For this, it is necessary to stretch and heat for five minutes with a fast and resistance-free pedaling. After the warm up time, the cycles must be started. These cycles consist of pedaling 20 seconds with medium resistance and then 10 seconds with low resistance.

Each cycle is a repetition that must be executed eight times. Next, there is 60 seconds of recovery with a low resistance pedaling. After each 60-second break, the cycle routine must be restarted for four repetitions. To conclude, it is recommended to pedal in the same way that it started, with five minutes of soft intensity. This Tabata style routine generates an increase in heart rate, so resistance is gained, fitness is improved and calories are burned.

3. More speed

Another of the effective cycling routines is to make a low resistance heating for 10 minutes. Then the training is carried out for periods of 10 minutes. The first 10 seconds of each minute should be done at a high speed, while in the next 50 seconds it should rest with gentle pedaling.

The next ten minutes are divided into cycles of 60 seconds at high speed, then return to moderate pedaling for the next 60 seconds. This kind of training allows to improve the power and speed of the legs, so that the capacity and strength of the muscles in the lower extremities is improved, allowing a faster recovery. 

4. 60 minute routine

Being pedaling on a bicycle for 60 minutes is a complex activity, as not everyone can achieve the challenge. This time is about 35 kilometers of route. Although it seems difficult, it is possible to achieve it through the development of leg power.

To do this, you must start the activity with 20 minutes of pedaling at an average speed. In the next phase, the speed is increased every five minutes to complete the 60 minutes of the routine. With this modality you gain strength and endurance in the legs.

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