Advantages And Disadvantages Of Treadmill Use For Exercise


Treadmills are probably one of the most popular pieces of exercise equipment available. They are one of the first types of machine around but the early models are now outdated.

The first treadmills were rarely powered – in other words, they were simply a loop of material that enabled one to walk or run on. Nowadays the treadmill consists of a powered conveyor belt with supporting handles on the sides.

The treadmill offers advantages as well as disadvantages.


  • Simple easy exercise. Walking or jogging is a very natural form of exercise.
  • Change speed as you feel.
  • Alter speed and gradient as needed.
  • Machines often fold up for storage – even some of the expensive models.
  • Users can watch TV or even read while exercising. 
  • They can offer some benefit of reduction of strain on ankles, legs, and lower back compared to jogging outside.
  • You can exercise even in inclement weather.


  • It can be bulky and heavy, but folding types reduce this problem.
  • They can cause personal injury if not used responsibly.

You don’t get the fresh air outside – but on the other hand if pollution bad, you may actually be healthier staying in and exercising!
Boredom can set in as you are simply walking or jogging for fairly long periods of time

As with most modern fitness machines these days, there are a lot of extras and gizmos added to improve user experience and so help exercise compliance.

These can include the usual display console showing distance traveled, calories burnt, time is taken and average speed, etc. On the more advanced machines, you are able to connect a heart rate monitor to your chest which can be used to automatically vary the exercise intensity according to your fitness level and the exercise program selected.

Some machines offer the ability to alter the speed of the belt by controls over the sidebars, or automatically if your heart monitor reaches a preset maximum!

The incline can be adjusted either manually or electronically. Modern treadmills are usually very quiet as well, which is useful if used in a home situation. The better treadmills have cushioning built into the base to help reduce impact stress to your ankles and joints.

Treadmills are actually used for other purposes as well. Horses are put on treadmills (large ones!) to aid in training, recuperation, and training.

There are even dog treadmills that have been used to help obese dogs lose weight and encourage exercise if the owners are unable to walk them. This is ok as long as owners don’t use them as an excuse to not walk the dog themselves!

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