What Are Hemorrhoids? Causes And Their Treatments


Hemorrhoids are dilated veins in the rectal area and can become very uncomfortable for the person who suffers. If you have ever wondered what hemorrhoids are, hemorrhoids are what form when the internal blood vessels and around the rectum enlarge and bulge. So, there are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external, depending on their location.

The hemorrhoids external form near the anus and are covered with sensitive skin. They usually do not hurt, unless a blood clot forms (thrombosis). On the other hand, internal hemorrhoids form inside the anus, under the lining. Bleeding may occur even though there is no pain, however, it may cause pain if it is prolapsed (that is, if it has slipped out of the anal opening).

Despite being one of the most common ailments in the population, the people who suffer them usually take a long time to seek help and solution, this is due to the discomfort that, until recently, these treatments meant. Nowadays, with technological advances, there are increasingly more painless treatments to solve the problem of hemorrhoids.

Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids

The exact cause of hemorrhoids is unknown, although it is believed that the pressure exerted by the upright posture that we have when walking causes some pressure on the veins of the rectum area.

Other causes that contribute to the appearance of hemorrhoids are constipation or decomposition, since, in both cases, the sphincter is forced. Also, in the time of pregnancy, hemorrhoids also proliferate.
Another risk factor that causes hemorrhoids is age , since when you get older, the tissues that support the veins in the rectum and anus can weaken and stretch. Anal intercourse is also a risk factor when hemorrhoids appear, since it weakens the veins of the anus.

The symptoms that can alert the presence of hemorrhoids is quite clear, most of them passing by feeling some type of discomfort in the rectal area. This includes itching, pain when cleaning, and even when sitting. Another warning may be bleeding during stool deposition. In the case of being an external hemorrhoid, you will notice a lump in the perimeter of the anus.

Treatments for hemorrhoids

Before starting any kind of treatment, it is necessary for a proctologist to examine the area. If the symptoms are mild, it surely does not require surgery, the discomfort disappearing after one or two months. Among these treatments, you will find a diet rich in fiber, sports rest, drink more water and take baths in a warm tub.

There are also treatments that require surgical intervention, and these are the ones used for the most serious cases that with the previous treatment are not possible to remit. For more information, consult your doctor, who will give you the keys to the best treatment for you.

If you have suspicions of being able to suffer from this ailment, do not get carried away by the established taboos and go as soon as possible to the doctor, since the most important thing is your health. If you want to prevent them from appearing, you can make a diet rich in fiber and drink plenty of water.

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