Abdominal pain can become a diagnostic challenge. The discomfort in this area is not only a sign of digestive system problems, they can also alert you to disorders that affect the chest or pelvic area.
1. It Can Be A Cardiovascular System Warns
Sometimes a heart attack is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastrium .
- The acute infarction , manifested by pain radiating to the lower abdomen or mesogastrio in one third of cases, especially women over 65 years.
- Other cardiac disorders can "project pain" in the upper abdomen, especially on the left side, such as congestive insufficiency and abdominal aortic aneurysm.
2. It Can Be A Urological Disorders
In this case it hurts especially the pelvic and lumbar area, but it is also common to be noticed in the lower abdomen .
- The nephritic or renal colic is a very intense pain that occurs suddenly. The main focus is on the lumbar, although it radiates to the abdomen and groin.
- A urinary tract infection also causes pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
3. When Herpes Zoster Hurts
It is a very rare cause and one that is not easily suspected, but the truth is that the physical rash of this chickenpox virus can be preceded - a few days or a few weeks before - by a sharp abdominal pain .
- According to recent studies, the painful sensation - which is usually combined with itching and heat - can even be disabling, comparable to that experienced by suffering from biliary or nephritic colic.
4. It Can Be A life Threatening Disorder
Occasionally, abdominal pain may indicate an extremely serious disorder:
- Acute diffuse peritonitis: generates an extended infection that can be life-threatening (when germs reach the abdominal cavity). The warning is a strong pain, especially when palpated.
- Intestinal obstruction: it presents with severe pain (cramping type), which arises outbreaks and sometimes with abdominal distension and nausea.
5. Gynecologic Discomfort
Disorders of the female reproductive system can be painful in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.
- The menstrual disorders (dysmenorrhea) often irradiate the abdomen.
- The endometriosis , ovarian cysts and fibroids are other pain problems that expand beyond the pelvis.
- The ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cyst, adnexal torsion or pelvic inflammatory disease can also cause severe pain.
6. Pain under the lungs
Some disorders that affect the lungs can cause pain to run to the upper abdomen .
- One symptom of the pulmonary embolism (the ducts become clogged by a blood clot in the lung) is pain in the upper stomach.
- Basal pneumonia or pneumothorax (the air escapes the lung and pain increases when you breathe deeply) can also cause it.
7. It Can Be Due To Abuse Of Drug
People who regularly consume nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid, may suffer painful lesions in the abdomen.
- It has been proven that, in the long run, these medications generate dyspepsia (stomach discomfort) in 20% of cases.
Why is it so difficult to diagnose?
Numerous pain receptors connected to other parts of the body are concentrated in the abdomen .
Therefore, although at first the relationship is not suspected (and therefore, it is difficult to get a diagnosis) "many kidney, gynecological, lung, heart pathologies ... may present with abdominal pain," says the expert doctor of Gastroenterology.
How to relieve a very intense pain?
"When the body complains of diffuse abdominal pain (without knowing the cause yet), the digestive tract should be given maximum rest , eating soft foods or liquids while the discomfort lasts."
Note: Consult the doctor if the pain is unbearable