This ancient discipline goes beyond exercise and can be practiced at any age and in any physical condition.[1]
Summer vacation is over, and the mere thought of having to go back to work is already causing you stress. This year, dare to try something different that will help you relax and improve your mental and physical state: yoga. If you are one of those skeptics who are still not convinced by yoga, here are five reasons why you should give it a try:[2]
1. Reduce stress
Busy schedules are not easy to reconcile with rest and relaxation, which is why yoga is ideal for calming the mind, reducing anger and anxiety, and overcoming stress. The slow breathing and the internalization process that yoga implies make the body calm down and reach a state of well-being.
2. Increase energy
If at the end of the day you feel totally exhausted, doing a few minutes of yoga will help you feel refreshed and energized. Also, the increase in serotonin that yoga produces will make you sleep better. Another option to feel refreshed and invigorated after a tiring day is to meditate for about ten minutes.
3. Take care of the silhouette
Although yoga is not an activity that allows you to burn large amounts of calories as is the case with running or cardiovascular activities, it has been shown that people who practice yoga on a regular basis have a better capacity to maintain or lose their weight without regaining it.
4. Release tension and increase happiness
Practicing yoga is a natural way to get rid of accumulated tension both in the muscles and in the mind. Another benefit of this discipline is that, like any physical exercise, it releases endorphins - also known as the hormones of happiness - thanks to the fact that the movements of yoga stimulate certain areas of the brain that cause greater well-being.
5. Strengthens the bones
The different movements and positions that are performed in yoga allow to increase the density of the bones helping to prevent osteoporosis. The regular practice of yoga also helps to correct posture, to stretch and tone the muscles and to improve the use of calcium and vitamin D.