The organs of the human body are made up of microscopic cells that contain all the chemical elements the body needs. In the process of human activity, cells are constantly formed and die off. And in order for the cells to regenerate, a person needs living organic food containing a large amount of minerals and salts.
The most affordable and effective way to replenish the body with missing elements is the consumption of vegetable and fruit juices.
Correct consumption of natural raw food and fresh vegetable and fruit juices will help your body to gain immense energy, excellent flexibility and excellent health. Having received additional energy, the body first of all begins to put things in order in itself - to throw away all the excess accumulated over the years.
American entrepreneur and falconry pioneer Norman Walker has spent a lot of time and money researching the healing properties of raw plant foods. In 1936, he wrote the book "Raw Vegetable Juices", in which he talked about the benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, as well as their use for treating specific diseases and cleansing the body.
Walker found that, by its properties, fresh juices can be called "an ideal natural medicine" capable of maintaining a normal acid-base balance in the human body.
There is no such pharmaceutical agent in the world that would be able to provide blood with those substances that the body needs for its restoration and cell renewal. Even if a person eats abundantly four or five times a day, his cells and tissues will experience hunger due to the lack of essential elements in food and the imbalance of enzymes.
Fruit juices can cleanse the human body, but the fruit must be ripe. They should not (with a few exceptions) be consumed with food containing starch and sugar. The more varied your fruit diet is, the better the body will be provided with the necessary carbohydrates and sugars.
Vegetable juices are rejuvenators and healers of the body. They contain all the amino acids, mineral salts, enzymes and vitamins that a person needs, but only if they are prepared from fresh, raw vegetables, without the use of any food additives, preservatives, or flavorings.
Fresh juices from raw vegetables and fruits should be a necessary addition to any person's diet. Nowadays, when people have very little time to take care of their good nutrition, there is a lack of those living elements and vitamins that the body can get only from natural products.
Freshly squeezed juices will help fill their deficiency. By consuming juices, you ensure the fastest and most efficient assimilation of energy-rich food with minimal stress on the digestive organs.