More And More People Are Becoming Seriously Overweight

These days more and more people are becoming seriously overweight, on this World Diabetes Day is coming on Sunday,14 November, a date that must be mentioned by professionals who are dedicated to trying to improve the health and habits of people. Some of the diseases most associated with type 2 diabetes are obesity and overweight. In this article, we want to give you 10 tips to prevent obesity and overweight, two of the main non-communicable pandemics of the 21st century.

According to data from the World Health Organization, obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Each year overweight and obesity are the cause of the death of more than 2.8 million people. Years ago, obesity was related to countries and people with high incomes, but nowadays it is known to be a prevalent epidemic in low and middle-income countries.

How can you tell if you suffer from obesity? 

For this, the body mass index figure (the weight in kilograms divided by the meters in height squared) is used. If the number obtained is greater than 25, you suffer overweight and if you reach 30, you suffer from obesity.

Although we have started the article with the most pessimistic figures and perspectives we can give, the good news is that obesity can be prevented and treated. We have many resources to do it and a lot of success stories. Therefore we want to share in this article tips to prevent obesity and overweight of nutritionists Alignment.

With this article, we inaugurate a month that we want to dedicate to the prevention of overweight before the Christmas holidays, a time in which we tend to let ourselves go and neglect our health. That is why during this month of November we will share content related to this topic, as well as promotions for our consultations.

More And More People Are Becoming Seriously Overweight What To Do

1. Do not go hungry 

Make between 4 or 5 intakes a day to avoid reaching the main meals with excessive hunger. For these intakes, choose healthy foods that will satisfy you. Snacks can be fruits, dairy, nuts, healthy snacks, etc. Remember that in the main meals, in addition to vegetables, there must be protein and also a small portion of whole grains.

2. Eat more salads and vegetables 

To prevent obesity in the family, I recommend that salads and vegetables be the protagonists in both lunch and dinner. Parents teach by example, so learning to cook for the whole family with vegetables would be a big step.

3. The fruit bowl, always full

My advice to prevent obesity is to start the week with a good assortment of fruits. If you have them at home it will be much easier to consume them throughout the week and include them in your diet either in salads, snacks, and/or breakfasts.

4. Vary your dishes

Do not stay alone with the plates and the boiled or the typical diet plate. Take a varied diet, moderate the amounts, ensure good sleep hygiene (7-8h) and perform physical exercise! Eating is a pleasure and doing it in a healthy and balanced way is not boring. It is a path towards a better style and quality of life.

5. Flee from a sedentary lifestyle

Add activity to your daily life! You can do this by avoiding taking the car to go shopping, changing the car by bike when possible, and going up the stairs instead of using the elevator. Add color to your diet, including a variety of fruits and vegetables!  

6. Excess of calories? No thanks!

How to prevent obesity? Leaving aside the calories! Worry about giving your body all the nutrients you need by eating healthy, fresh, and natural foods in your diet on a daily basis. It’s not eating less … it’s eating better.

7. Do not abuse soft drinks 

My advice to prevent obesity is to avoid the consumption of all kinds of soft drinks, alcohol, sugary drinks, or packaged juices and instead do not forget to drink 1’5-2 liters of water per day, 6 glasses minimum. Infusions, teas, or waters infused with fruits can also be good alternatives.

8. Flee from obesogenic environments

In addition to your food choices are adequate and you avoid a sedentary lifestyle, the prevention of obesity is also achieved with actions such as eating as a family. It is the perfect environment for both young and old to learn and have healthy food available: fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains.

9. Choose healthy cooking

One of the bases of healthy eating is the way of cooking. There are many firings that require few fats to obtain succulent and exquisite dishes for our palates. To prevent obesity, use cooking such as iron, boiled, steam, oven, wok, and papillote, instead of fried and battered.

10. Read the nutritional labels

How many times do you end up eating something that you do not know what it is made of? As a consumer, you have a part of responsibility with your food and is to value the product before buying it and preferably choose healthy products. But do not look at the numbers (calories, grams of fat …). No-no-no. See what ingredients it carries because you will know what you are going to eat, where your calories come from, what kind of fat it contains, how many.

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