10 Tips To Protect Yourself From The Sun This Summer



Whether in the city, on the beach or during a hiking trail in the mountains, when you sunbathe your skin is exposed to too intense light. Proper protection is very important to avoid burns and prevent skin cancer. And is that light acts as a energy that can damage and alter skin cells and, in the long term, this can cause skin cancer.

Without adequate protection, the result is usually a burn that causes unpleasant symptoms, such as burning, feeling hot and itchy. Sunburn can affect many areas of the body, and can even lead to general symptoms such as fever, nausea, and circulatory problems. However, sun damage can easily be avoided if sun exposure is safe and some basic recommendations are followed.

10 Tips To Protect Yourself From The Sun

1. Avoid the sun at noon

While practicing outdoor activities such as cycling, reading or walking on the beach, it is good to sunbathe. Especially if these activities are carried out in the morning or in the afternoon, thus avoiding sun exposure during the central hours of the day (from 12 noon to 3 in the afternoon).

Children under the age of two should not be exposed to direct sunlight or the intensity of UVA rays during the day. As a general rule, it is recommended to stay in the shade when the sunlight is very strong, but even so, you need to be careful. Although the radiation is weaker in the shade, there is still a risk of getting a burn. Therefore, even in the shade, it is very important to protect yourself properly.

2. Choose the right sun protection factor

Using sunscreen is essential when you are going to be exposed to the sun. But also, it is important to choose a protection factor that is adequate and adapted to the skin type and intensity of UVA rays. Especially, during the first days of summer, products with a high sun protection factor (25, 30, 35 or 50) should be used. However, creams only protect from the sun for a limited time and must contain an additional filter against UVA rays, which are those that cause long-term damage, such as premature aging of the skin or skin cancer.

3. Calculate the time of sun exposure

To find out how long sunscreen will protect, multiply the natural skin protection time by the sunscreen factor. For example, a very light skin type can be protected naturally for about 10 minutes, therefore, with a factor 15 sunscreen the skin would be protected for 150 minutes. Each person has a different natural protection depending on the type of skin, but in general, the time is usually between 10 and 30 minutes.

4. Use enough sunscreen

Always use large amounts of sunscreen. As a general rule, an adult usually needs about 35 grams of sunscreen to fully cover the body, which corresponds to about four large tablespoons. In addition, it is important to apply cream regularly because the sunscreen is removed with sweat, with the rubbing of the fabric (for example, the swimsuit or the towel) or when bathing.

5. Protect yourself in advance

After applying the lotion, you should wait 20-30 minutes before sunbathing. This is because not all protectors act immediately and some take a few minutes to take effect. It is important to make sure to apply cream especially to the most light-sensitive areas such as the scalp, face, ears, neck, back, chest and back of the foot.

6. Sun protection from the inside

People especially sensitive to the sun should reinforce the protection of the cream with additional antioxidants such as vitamin E, lycopene, beta-carotene or polyphenols. Although the effectiveness of sunscreen has been scientifically proven, some substances, such as beta carotene, can reduce the sensitivity of the skin and increase its resistance to the sun in certain circumstances. However, they must be combined with sunscreen.

For sun allergy, it is usually recommended to consume a preventive dose of between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams of calcium a day for four weeks, although until now its effect has not been scientifically proven. Furthermore, it was shown in studies that the use of certain probiotics, bacteria such as Lactobacillus johnsonii (La1) or strains of e. coli, reduce the risk of the appearance of allergies to the sun and increase the regeneration capacity of the skin. Probiotics are included in some diets and in certain food supplements.

7. Avoid using unreliable sun creams

These types of products advertise 100% protection against ultraviolet rays harmful to the skin, but this is not the case, because there is a certain percentage of the radiation that always reaches the skin despite the use of sunscreen. Always choose trusted sunscreens.

8. Clothing also protects

As an alternative or supplement to the appropriate sunscreen, clothing can also protect the skin: long pants and shirts offer effective protection against the components of sunlight. In addition, a hat or cap should be worn. The protection factor against UVA rays varies depending on the color, the type of material, the density of the fibers and the thickness. For example, a cotton shirt has a protection factor of 5. There are special clothes that are used as protection against the sun. This type of clothing bears a yellow logo indicating the protection factor, for example 40 UPF.

9. Do not forget the sunglasses

The eyes also need adequate protection against solar radiation. Therefore, it is very important to wear approved sunglasses. To recognize which sunglasses are good, among other things, it is necessary to check that they bear the CE mark (European Committee), which certifies that the glasses are appropriate to protect the eyes against sunburn and that the product complies with the directives applicable European. In addition, they must specify the filter category, 1 is for low glare but good protection and category 4 is for high brightness and even higher protection. For sunglasses to be of quality they do not have to be expensive.

10. Care after sun exposure

If the burn has already occurred, any contact with sunlight should be avoided until the burn has completely healed. In addition, the following recommendations can be taken into account:

Apply soothing gels to the affected areas several times a day. If the pain is intense, pain relievers such as acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol can be taken. It is recommended to drink plenty of liquids. Above all, water and juices mixed with mineral water. Apply special moisturizers that help the healing of the affected areas of the skin.

Before and after the period of exposure to the sun, which usually corresponds to the summer months, it is advisable to visit the dermatologist to undergo a skin check. In this way, possible precancerous lesions are detected early.

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