23 Ways To Burn Calories With Pleasure


The surest way to lose weight gain during the holidays is to move more and spend the weekend actively. Fitness can be practiced not only in the gym and at home, but also in the open air. In winter it is especially great: there is a bright blue sky overhead, crisp snow under your feet, and a group of friends nearby.

1. Let's go sledging!: We take a sled, inflatable "cheesecakes" - and up the hill! You will burn 460 calories in an hour. Remember this when pulling your vehicle up.    
2. Whose snowman is better?: Announce a competition for the most beautiful snowman. By rolling balls and stacking them one on top of another, you can get rid of 320 calories.  
3. Drive the puck: Hockey is not a women's game. But you will not refuse a child if he asks to play? A bonus for responsive moms - minus 280 calories in half an hour. 

4. Go skiing: Walking for half an hour at a brisk pace will save you 500 calories. Plus, ventilate your lungs.
5. Come to the rink: You will have a great time, but at the same time you will work your leg muscles and burn 258 calories.
6. Order in the house: The holidays are over. It's time to disassemble the tree and remove the tinsel. Work fast. You will get rid of 85 calories in 30 minutes.

7. Conquer the peaks: Do you want to go mountaineering? In large cities there are indoor climbing gyms: www.jiwa.com.ua; www.sportclubs.com.ua. Climbing up will burn 350 calories and strengthen all your muscles.
8. Double pleasure: Does your outdoor running season run from spring to fall? Change your schedule! You can run and sled your child at the same time.
9. For fans of extreme sports: Getting on downhill skiing or snowboarding is a great idea! These sports make your legs chiseled and your butt hard as a nut.
10. For a walk: Walking is the most accessible workout (you burn 190 to 250 calories per hour). For greater efficiency, change the speed while walking (10 minutes at an average pace and 10 minutes at a fast pace).
11. Without leaving the place : Spin the hula hoop! You will get rid of 350 calories in half an hour. Search for workout videos at www.youtube.com.
12. Own site: Is there no ice rink in the yard? It can be poured. There will be helpers among the children. In the process, 700 calories will fly away.
13. To the park with children: The kid will provide you and your husband with a full aerobic workout. Run for at least an hour every day, play snowballs 22 ways to burn calories with pleasure - photo # 2(minus 200 calories per hour). These walks will strengthen your health and family.
14. Get the rope!: Jumping rope is an exercise for cellulite. To increase the load, change the pace from fast to slow and vice versa. Jump in a semi-squat.
15. Own record: Squeeze out not 10, but 15 times, go up without an elevator not one, but three floors ... Every day, set your own records. It boosts self-esteem.

16. In the water park, we light up like a summer: A weekend with water, music and cheerful faces is like a trip to a resort. Conduct them actively, swim, jump from water slides. For an hour of games, 250 calories will “dissolve” in the water.
17. Bowling: Movement during play - walking, stretching, and swinging - will work the muscles in your legs and arms.

18. When you can't do anything: Fixing your manicure? Run at a light pace in place while you wait for the nail polish to dry - minus 23 calories.
19. A game of ping pong?: In winter, this is one of the most popular gym games. Challenge your friend, find out which of you is the most agile.

20. Let's go dance: You will not notice how 440 calories are burned in half an hour. But most importantly, you will be charged with positive.
21. Shovel the Snow: Are there snowdrifts in the country? Take a shovel and clear paths. If you do two things, you will remove the drifts and burn 298 calories.
22. Learn new things: Ski halfpipe - performance of various tricks on a snowboard and ski in a half-pipe covered with a dense layer of snow.
23. Have fun, joke, laugh heartily: Scientists have calculated that 10-15 minutes of laughter a day burns 40 to 70 calories.

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