10 Tips And Tricks To Lose Weight


Lose weight, without diet? Yes. And these are the keys. Among them you can not miss eating well, exercising, looking at sugar, not cutting back on carbohydrates and cooking at home. These are some of the tricks that you can carry out if you want to lose weight.

1. Healthy breakfast

If you are tired of starving, if you do not want to give up chocolate, if you do not want to saturate your body with protein, follow the advice we give you and you will see how the scale will smile at you. You just have to add to your day to day the little secrets that we share with you.

2. Eat more

Yes, you read it right. What your metabolism needs to stay active is that you do not put yourself in "restrictive mode", the more you deprive it of food, the more it will retain the little you give it. 

YES. Eat five meals a day that start with a good breakfast, two healthy snacks, a smart meal (depending on how physically active you are going to do afterward), and a light dinner. Each digestion uses energy , so if you control the portions, your body will start to burn more calories. 

NO . Skip meals , the only thing you will achieve is to accumulate hunger, slow down your metabolism and enhance the rebound effect if you diet.

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3. Eat breakfast like a queen

Nutritionists do not stop insisting on the importance of the first meal of the day, which is the one that starts the metabolism , the one that provides you with energy and the one that helps you regulate your appetite until the meal. All . 

Your breakfast should contain healthy carbohydrates (whole grain bread, cereals or biscuits and better biological, without added sugars or fats); natural juice or fresh fruit (better at the beginning to improve digestion).

A skimmed dairy or vegetable (if you have lactose intolerance or want to reduce calories even more), coffee or green tea (your first dose of antioxidants); healthy proteins(Iberian ham, turkey, egg) to take away your hunger; some healthy fat (virgin olive oil!) and something sweet if you feel like it a lot (it's the best time to take it, you have all day to burn it off), like jam without added sugar.

4. Little bites between hours 

In addition to helping you keep your metabolism active and consuming energy, it is the only way to control your appetite and not arrive with a wolf hunger for lunch or dinner. Of course, this snack must be healthy. 

Psychologically, it will be an endorphin "rush" to be able to eat when you're hungry. YES. Natural, unroasted nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds, or sunflower seeds; a piece of fresh fruit or a handful of red berries (second antioxidant portion); a skimmed yogurt; a puffed rice pancake; a can of natural tuna or low-fat cold cuts ; a couple of oatmeal cookies or a couple of ounces of dark chocolate if you have a sweet tooth.

5. Don't cut back on carbs 

Legumes, cereals, bread or whole wheat pasta are not the culprits of your extra pounds . Your enemies are industrial sweets, sliced ​​bread, salty snacks (stay away from the work machine), sugary cereals and refined foods. 

This type of fast-digesting carbohydrates are the ones that get your GI out of control, that is, your glycemic index or blood insulin level. YES. Always take carbohydrates for breakfast and eat them at noon (a plate of pasta, rice or legumes) if you are going to exercise in the afternoon. 

Eat legumesat least three times a week (its fiber is fantastic for your intestines and they take away your hunger for hours) and the rest of the better whole carbohydrates, since they are released slowly into the bloodstream, do not produce insulin peaks and do not accumulate in the form fat like refined ones. NO. To carbohydrates at night . Of everything that comes packaged and looks like fast food, forget it.

6. Discover the hidden sugar 

Do you eat little, try to be healthy and still can't lose weight? The class may be in white sugar, a chemical that does not provide any nutrient to the body and many calories. Don't you take sugar? You may not add it to coffee but you are taking it through sliced ​​bread, packaged vegetables, tetrabrick soups or purees, cold cuts , smoked salmon, yogurts, precooked foods ... 

you just have to start reading the labels of what you buy to bring your hands to the head and realize how much sugar you accidentally eat. Less energy All that sugar is what causes insulin spikes, that you are always hungry and that you are low on energy.

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7. I want something sweet!

Okay, but be smart. If you have an irresistible desire to put something sweet in your mouth, make it an ounce of dark chocolate, a puffed rice pancake, a homemade sweet, a couple of wholegrain cookies without white sugar , a yogurt with Agave syrup or a piece of fruit. 

But if you are capable, wait a few minutes and instead of eating sweet, have something salty and more nutritious, for example, a small sandwich of tuna or Iberian ham , a French omelette or a handful of nuts. 

They will satisfy your hunger (eating sweet you will want more sweet in a short time), they will provide you with fewer calories and more nutrients. The important thing is to get off the "sugar wheel" and eat "real" food.

8. When and how?

As we said before, many times it is not the food itself that makes you fat but the way and when you eat it . For example, carbohydrates are recommended in the morning or at noon if you are going to make a physical effort later, but not at night, when they would accumulate during sleep. 

For dinner , proteins are much lighter , especially if you have exercised, since they are food for the muscles. It is also important to combine food well: pasta and protein always "marry" with vegetables, but they do not go too well together, as they result in dishes that are too caloric and difficult to digest. The way you cook food is also essential: best fresh, steamed, baked or grilled.

9.Be your own chef

Join the tupperware fashion and take your food to the office , so you will have the security of knowing what you put in your mouth. Outside the home, and "on the menu", it is difficult for the oil they use to fry to be olive, for the food to be fresh or for the fats to be unsaturated.

 Also, it is easy to be tempted to eat sauces, bread and sweet desserts. Shop and cook. Discover the pleasure of going to the market and discovering unrefined foods in organic supermarkets. Cooking can also be a relaxing activity and, above all, you can control the quantities, ingredients and preparation. Out of home. 

If you have no choice but to eat from a restaurant, Take dishes whose ingredients are visible (fish or grilled meats, for example), avoid sauces and for dessert, have an infusion. If you can choose, better Japanese food .

10. Take care of your muscles 

They are the best allies of your metabolism. Keeping your muscle in shape will mean you burn more calories at rest, since muscle consumes a lot of energy . It is also the best guarantee to avoid suffering the dreaded "yo-yo effect" if you diet and to keep your weight stable. Cardio + toning. 

This is the best combination to lose weight, cardiovascular exercise is not enough , so do not kill yourself to do spinning and get more in the classes of body pump, yoga or in the machine room. In addition, maintaining good muscle tone is what will keep your body looking young and athletic, with all your curves in place and without sagging.

11. Move more

You already know that exercise is a great ally to maintain weight and not have to diet.But the sport is not only done in the gym or on the paddle tennis court. If you add activity to your day to day, especially at certain times, you will not stop consuming calories. Active gestures . 

Leave the car and walk or take the subway to work (it is a great gym), take the stairs instead of using the elevator (taking the steps two at a time will tone your buttocks), take a walk after eating, install a elliptical machine at home, join the bicing trend, play with your little ones, make love ... everything adds physical activity and reduces calories at the end of the day.

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