Why Do You Need To Be Vaccinated?


Vaccines a priori play the most important role in preventing infection and mortality from infectious diseases, including coronavirus.

Public health authorities and healthcare providers provide critical information to the public about COVID-19 vaccination. But unfortunately, many people do not trust official sources, but dubious authors of videos with a negative message about vaccination.

Some, fearing undesirable manifestations after vaccination, postpone immunization indefinitely or refuse altogether. Young people are more skeptical about vaccinations because they tend to tolerate covid infection more easily, making it somewhat difficult to educate people about the importance of COVID-19 vaccine prevention.

Young people should understand that after all, no one knows how your infection will proceed in case of infection. The risk of getting an infection in a severe form, with complications or death is much higher than the risk of getting short-term unwanted manifestations in the form of fever, general malaise, or some local reaction to the injection .  

The data available today on the effectiveness of vaccines indicate that registered vaccines against COVID-19 are really safe, significantly limit the spread of the disease, and significantly reduce the number of complications and deaths.

In Israel and the United Kingdom, India for example, there is already evidence that vaccines reduce hospital admissions and deaths, as well as community transmission.

According to a study conducted by specialists from the University of Ferrara in the province of Pescara (Italy), which was attended by almost 40 thousand people, as a result of the vaccination campaign:

  • The number of infections has decreased by 95%.
  • Cases of severe disease were reduced by 99%
  • Mortality due to complications of coronavirus infection has decreased by more than 90%

It is time for our population to understand that the sooner a large number of people are vaccinated, the sooner we will achieve stabilization and decrease in the incidence in the country, the faster we will minimize the number of deaths from this disease.

Advantages of vaccination

  • Saving life.
  • Preventing COVID-19 Infection and Its Complications.
  • Protecting not only those who have been vaccinated but also those around them.
  • Vaccines are safe and effective.
  • Formation of "collective immunity"
  • Ability to remove quarantine restrictions and return to normal life

If for any reason ( medical contraindications, have had CVI less than 6 months ago, etc. ) you cannot get vaccinated, then you need to follow safety measures:

  • Develop a habit of wearing a mask in crowded places ( use, store, handle and dispose of them appropriately )
  • Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing
  • Avoid going to public places
  • Maintain a safe social distance of at least 1 meter, and indoors at least 1.5 meters
  • Make it a rule to use antiseptics
Read reliable information about COVID-19 on the official websites of the WHO, and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (India)

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