How To Avoid Falling Asleep While Meditating?


Meditation is considered an excellent relaxation technique, the problem is that practicing it can make you sleepy. Here's How To Avoid Falling Asleep While Meditating: 7 Reasons It's Worth A Try.

As a person who suffers from anxiety, I may have trouble letting go of the thoughts that overwhelm me, therefore, more than once I have tried to meditate. The big problem is that I end up sleepy, if not asleep ... and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Why does meditation make you sleepy?

Being sleepy during meditation is one of the most common obstacles, according to specialists, there are different factors that can cause it, such as fatigue, lack of stimuli or energy imbalance.

According to the psychologist Tara Brach , fatigue is one of the main causes that makes us sleepy when meditating, but also, being used to constant movement and stimulation, causes the mind to confuse it when we are still and at peace with bedtime.

Finally, if you relax too much and do not have a state of consciousness, it will make you sleepy, so it is important to keep the energy at a certain level, for example, concentrating on your breathing.

How to avoid falling asleep when meditating?

If every time you start meditating you end up taking a nap, a good option is to choose to meditate while standing or walking. Also, avoid meditating in bed or when you have not slept well, in this way you will reduce fatigue and the risk of falling into the arms of Morpheus.

What do expert recommend?

Meditate away from meal times, especially after you've eaten heavily. Eating a lot is related to "pig sickness" or drowsiness, associated with the release of hormones, digestion or the nutrients in some foods.

  • Find a space to meditate with the right environment , in this way you will avoid doing it in your bed ... preferably look for it not to be in your room.
  • Meditate in a garden or outdoor place, it is an excellent option if you do not have a space to meditate. In addition, natural sounds can help you concentrate, without forgetting that exposure to the sun helps our doses of vitamin D .
  • Choose the times when you are most alert, perhaps when you wake up or at noon ... you can also choose to keep your eyes open.
  • Do short sessions, but frequently.
  • Sleep your hours and watch your rest at night .

What are the benefits of meditation?

Meditation is a very old practice, however, it has gained popularity in Western culture, as one of its qualities is to help reduce stress and keep you at peace, but they are not the only benefits.

Mayo Clinic specialists share that taking a few minutes to meditate can restore calm and be within everyone's reach. It also contributes not only to emotional well-being, but also to general health, something that is maintained even after meditation.  

Among these benefits are:

  • See stressful situations from another perspective.
  • Develop the ability to handle stress.
  • Greater self-awareness and ability to focus on the present.
  • Reduce negative emotions , increase patience and tolerance.
  • Increase imagination and creativity.
  • According to research, it can help control symptoms of anxiety, asthma, cancer, chronic pain, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, headache ... But it will never replace medical treatment.
  • It increases attention, mental alertness and memory in older people, it can even partially improve memory in patients with dementia, according to studies.

There are different types of meditation, all with health benefits, find the one that best suits you. The most important thing is that you do not obsess and stress because it is "perfect".

Meditating can be as simple as taking deep breaths, concentrating on your breath; repeating a mantra, meditating by walking slowly and concentrating on your body, praying or reading.

The most important thing about meditation is that it gives you peace and helps control stress. Now that you know how to avoid falling asleep while meditating , give it a try and you will see that it is worth it.

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