Foods To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

What we eat directly affects the immune system maintenance since we started to float in the maternal womb. Good nutrition is key to maintaining health, especially for the athletes. Deficiencies can lead to immune suppressants after intense exercise. To avoid this do not forget to include in your daily menu as follows.

Carbohydrates To Protect

The studies with marathon runners, triathletes, rowers, and soccer show that sports drinks containing carbohydrates that are taken to provide energy during exercise, maintain blood glucose concentrations and reduce the increase in stress hormones that occurs when the exercise is very intense and can alter immunity.

Has also been shown that carbohydrates provide energy or glucose to immune cells to maintain the metabolic rate and carry out its advocacy functions. Carbohydrate supplements should be taken before, during, and after an endurance exercise over 90 minutes long.

This ensures to maintain glucose levels in blood and the brain receives signals of physiological stress during exercise, preventing free flow of the stress hormones that repress the immune system and cause inflammation. The carbohydrates will ensure a better performance and a rapid recovery, reducing the risk of infection by exercise.

A Very Defensive Amino

Glutamine is found in abundant, amino acid in plasma and muscle. It is known as a good complement because it provides energy to immune cells (lymphocytes and macrophages) and, although not intense and prolonged exercise decreasing supply of glutamine to critical levels, the decrease of glutamine can cause lack of energy in cells defense and leave a loophole for pathogens that weakens the system.
Ramifications That You Defend

Branched amino acids or BCAAs, are involved in the regeneration of muscle proteins that occurs when a muscle you exercise intensely for long. Supplementation with these amino acids seems to prevent muscle damage caused by excessive training and immuno suppressant reduces physical stress.
Vitamins And Minerals Immune

The antioxidant vitamins and minerals increases resistance to infection and protect immune system cells from damage by free radicals.

Try to take a varied diet so that you will always carotene (brightly colored vegetables), vitamin C (kiwi, citrus), vitamin B12 (meat and fish), vitamin E (avocado and vegetable oils), zinc (meat, fish and seafood) and selenium (yeast).

Antibiotic Soups That Increase Immunity

Every time your immune system overcomes an infection, you become stronger by producing natural antibodies making you better equipped to handle future assaults on your health.Your immune system produces natural antibodies that recognize and destroy foreign bacteria.

1.Garlic And Thyme Soup

The grandmothers knew what they were doing when you were forced to take garlic soup. This warm broth is a battalion of reinforcements to prevent colds and flus. Simply put the fire 8 cloves garlic, a pinch of thyme, a tablespoon of olive oil and a quart of water. When boiling add an egg and served hot with 4 slices of toast on top.

2.Onion Soup

The onion is the best remedy for respiratory infections, especially pharyngitis, laryngitis and chest infections. To make the soup cut two onions into rings and cook them in chicken broth, olive oil, ginger, leek, garlic and celery. It takes very hot with a few tablespoons of grated cheese.

3. Chicken soup

Do not overestimate the restorative powers of chicken soup. There are scientific studies that support the power of this old home remedy. If you start to feel bad, prepare some soup and soon you will feel better. If you do not have time to prepare it, buy a little in the store.

List of Barriers Food

When shopping, you should not lack any foods that by their content of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, increase defenses and reduce the risk of infection: garlic, thyme, yogurt, lemon, honey, watercress, onion, yeast beer, wheat germ, royal jelly, pollen, ginger, pepper, cloves and cinnamon.


If you like exercise, be sure to take two yogurts per day. Yogurt is a living food that helps maintain the natural defenses because it contains a large amount of beneficial bacteria to the intestinal flora. Now you can choose between Streptococcus strains, Acidophilus, Lactobacillus, Bifidus, etc. All these organisms stimulate the immune system in the digestive system and increase production of defense cells such as antibodies and cytokines.

To ensure quality of yogurt, choose varieties always look natural and expiration date. If you can find organic yogurt, made with milk from cows that do not take an industrial feed stock and not in treatment with antibiotics and hormones, you get the best food for diplomatic passport to infections.

2. Red peppers

These sweet peppers are an excellent source of vitamin C, even better than oranges. Fortunately they are as sweet as this citrus. Keep them on hand to maintain your vitamin C levels when you want to stay healthy.

3. Citrus

Vitamin C, vitamin C, vitamin C. Eat grapefruit, oranges, tangerines. They all give you a healthy dose.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains selenium, which apparently has a powerful effect on the immune system. And since garlic gives a great flavor to any dish, there’s no reason not to eat more.

5. Broccoli

This vegetable is full of vitamins A and C, and has an antioxidant called glutathione. That’s why mothers always say you have to eat it.

6. Almonds

These nuts have a lot of vitamin E, which is a very powerful antioxidant that helps you fight infections. A bit of almonds works but what’s the joke? Better cook them.

7. Turmeric

This species may not be the super food we expected, but there are anecdotes that serve to prove that it is good for fighting the cold. And if we add to it how well it tastes with the latte, it is enough for us. Not only can you consume it with latte, you can also get some recipes.

8. Spinach

Do not call this green leaf super food for some reason. It has a lot of iron, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C. Cook and eat all the spinach you want.

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