How To Exercise In The Extreme Summer Heat?


The fact of practicing some physical activity in times of high temperatures causes the body to increase the blood supply to the skin as well as sweating. This internal process, called thermoregulation, aims to eliminate the heat accumulated inside and, in this way, decrease or maintain body temperature.

It is recommended to carry out this type of activity before 10 am or after 6 pm, when the weather is a little cooler.

Whether you run, play a soccer game, ride a bike or walk, it is important to take certain precautions when the temperature rises ; it is recommended, for example, to carry out this type of activity before 10 am or after 6 pm, when the weather is a little cooler; avoid the midday sun and don't forget to apply a suitable sunscreen. To acclimatize to high temperatures, it is essential to wear light and fresh clothing, accompanied by proper hydration and subsequent cooling.

Exercise and air temperature cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in order to cool itself, decreases the amount of blood in the muscles and sends it to circulate through the skin. If the humidity is also high, the body faces more stress since sweat does not evaporate easily and this could further increase the internal temperature.

Under normal conditions, the skin, blood vessels, and level of perspiration adjust to heat, but natural cooling systems can fail if we are exposed to high temperatures and high levels of humidity, and as a consequence, We can suffer cramps that are painful muscle contractions that mainly affect the calves, quads and abdominal muscles, the affected muscles may feel firm to the touch.

Also exhaustion: with heat stroke, your body temperature rises to 40 ° C and you may experience nausea, vomiting, headache, fainting, weakness, cold and clammy skin; o Heat stroke: Heat stroke is an emergency condition, which occurs when the body temperature is higher than 40 ° C, it can develop confusion and irritability. In this case you need immediate medical attention.

Staying well hydrated before, during and after exercise is very important.

It is necessary to be vigilant and never underestimate these symptoms. In the presence of any of them, it is important to stop exercising immediately; lower body temperature and hydrate - without waiting to be thirsty to do so - drinking water or sports drinks that replace salts and minerals. If possible, it is recommended to moisten the body with cold water. If it does not improve after 30 minutes, immediately consult a doctor.

Expert, recommends some keys to fully enjoy outdoor activities: do physical exercise outside the central hours of the day, that is, first thing in the morning or late in the morning. the afternoon. It is important to take advantage of the coolest moments and environments of the day.

Stay well hydrated before, during and after exercise. If the activity lasts less than an hour, drinking fresh water (about 125 cc every 15-20 minutes) is sufficient. On the other hand, if it is extended more than 60 minutes, it will be necessary to ingest sports or isotopic drinks (500 cc about 60 minutes before starting the exercise and between 100-125 cc every quarter of an hour during the exercise).

Avoid direct sun exposure, wear light and light clothing that allows adequate perspiration. Use sunscreen. They help prevent skin diseases, reducing the risk of generating "melanoma" skin cancer.

To take into account: children and older adults must take special care, since their ability to control temperature is different; as well as those people who do not exercise regularly and who want to do it during the summer.

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