Neem Juice Benefits & Diseases Cured By Neem Leaves

Neem tree is an origin of India it is also known as "The pharmacy of the people". It is because its properties in it that improves the conditions of diseases and disorders from sores,bad teeth, malaria to ulcers.It is an important herb listed in Ayurveda and have been used in ayurvedic medicine for various purposes, below are some of the important benefits of neem.

  • Neem is a powerful blood purifier and detoxifier, reduces fever and toxins that act in most skin diseases, and its astringent action promotes healing. The best natural treatment for Psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, baldness and other skin disorders is proven .
  • Neem is an immunomodulator that helps us fight diseases, achieving the balance of the immune system, avoiding over stimuli and depressions in its defense functions of the body.
  • Neem's anti-inflammatory effect is the foundation for its ability to reduce the severity of ulcers and protect the layers that line our stomach.
  • Neem is easily found in urban and rural areas. Although preferably use organic crops.
  • Neem can protect us against cancer, increases the activity of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione-s-transderase in the liver, this being an enzyme that detoxifies carcinogens.
  • By boosting the immune system, the production of interferon is also boosted, increasing the ability of macrophages to gobble up foreign bodies and improving the response of lymphocytes. Neem extracts also stimulate the production of limphonkine, a powerful immune system activator.
  • In laboratory tests, human cells infected with HIV were treated with Neem extract. Viral protein production decreased dramatically. Doctors Upadhyay and Berre Sinousi (one of the scientists who identified the AIDS virus) believe that the blockade produced by Neem in the production of viral proteins can eventually stop the progression of the disease.
  • Dr. Van Der Nat (Netherlands) states that Neem produces a strong immune-boosting reaction against infectious agents. Studies carried out by some institutes assure that the extracts of the Neem leaf and bark are an effective remedy against AIDS. They enhance the production of antibodies and the immune response, helping to prevent infections.
  • With the use of extracts on an empty stomach it is achieved that insulin-dependent people can decrease the insulin dose and, in some cases, that the pancreas normalizes and can do without it.
  • In non-insulin-dependent diabetics, spectacular results are being obtained, because although diet control continues to be important, with Neem treatment diabetes is disappearing in most cases.
  • According to recent studies, neem leaf extract can reduce cholesterol levels by up to 30% two hours after being administered.
  • It is also very effective against this type of problem: parasites, fungi or unwanted bacteria. At the same time it is very respectful with the intestinal flora.
  • Neem has been shown effective in the treatment of candidiasis and urinary tract infections, both in women and men.
  • Neem, one of the oldest and most widely used medicinal plants in the world, used as one of the most important ingredients in Ayurvedic preparations, has been loved and respected in India for over 4,000 years. Historically, Neem has been used to help the body fight chronic or temporary illnesses.

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How To Prepare Neem Tea

To prepare Neem tea you must take special care when choosing the best leaves from trees that have not been contaminated with pesticides, insecticides or any chemical product, preferably from 100% guaranteed organic seeds.

  • To prepare a liter of Neem tea, 1 teaspoon of roasted and dehydrated leaves should be used.
  • To prepare the Neem tea you must put the liter of water on the fire without the leaves until it boils, then you must add the leaves and immediately put it out on the fire and let it rest until it cools down. You can use Stevia to sweeten and avoid the bitterness of the tea.
  • Neem tea should be taken in a 250 ml. Cup, three times a day before meals. The tea must be kept in the refrigerator, this way you can keep it for up to 24 hours.

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